Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Meeting Face to Face

Yes, we're an online company and we're all for using the latest technology, but even we must confess that there is something to be said for meeting face-to-face. Doug, Margie and I had a wonderful meeting here in town (NYC) with a prospective group this morning and we all commented on how refreshing it was to visit in person, see their facility and put faces to names.
Virtual reality is all well and good but we'll still take real reality any day of the week. We're looking forward to another person-to-person meeting with yet another group tomorrow. If you're in the New York area, consider this your open invitation to stop by and see us at 37 West 20th. Street, Suite 810.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

CardPartner by the numbers. Part 1.

We've been looking at the numbers lately and they're looking very good. At last count, we count thirty-three animal groups among our partners. These humane and welfare groups are focused on saving everything from frogs to whales to greyhounds and rabbits. We're proud to help them get the word out and the income in.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

CardPartner Welcomes World ORT

What a delight to meet in person today with Valerie Khaytina, Deputy North American Representative of World ORT. Founded in 1880, ORT is the world's largest Jewish education and vocational training non-governmental organization. Valerie gave us a great excuse to put up a fresh pot of coffee and bring in a box of pastries from City Bakery. We're looking forward to a a soft launch of her program over the summer, with a major introduction this fall. Thanks to Elie Rubinstein from The Blue Card for introducing Valerie to us.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Get up to speed with our latest signing!

They're not even available yet and they're already going fast! Coming soon from CardPartner and Porsche Club of America are personalized PCA cards featuring members' very own Porsches.

Watch this space for updates on the launch of this major new program.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Badges? We have badges!!

The badges section of our online Marketing Toolkit is brand new and we've already updated it with even more selections.

Check out all the new badges featuring our rewards partners now.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

See Sea Shepherd on Animal Planet

Congrats to our friends at Sea Shepherd on the debut of season 2 of Whale Wars.

See Sea Shepherd in action, and we do mean action, for yourself on the Animal Planet channel.

You hear us loud and clear!

Sorry if we've been shouting on the phone today, but they're reinstalling our old air conditioners in our new windows and there's been a whole lot of banging going on here in Suite 810, 37 West 20th. Street, New York, NY.

Since it's now officially summer in the city, we're happily putting up with the noise and apologize if your ears are ringing!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Big Blow Up in CardPartner Conference Room!

No, fighting has not broken out in the halls of CardPartner, we're just decorating our conference room with some wonderful blow-ups of our partners' card designs. The first batch of blow-ups arrived today and we'll begin the velcro'ing on Wednesday. We'll post some photos as soon as they're in place.

Introducing The SAVE THE FROGS! Visa Platinum Card

Introducing The SAVE THE FROGS! Visa Platinum Card

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Introducing The Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Visa Platinum Card

Introducing The Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Visa Platinum Card

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A Moving Blog Entry

Thanks to David Liddle, developer extraordinaire, for moving our blog to its new home on Blogger. It will now be very easy for me to post links to our partners' applications using ShareThis.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Surf's Up!

Wait till you see the awesome cards we've got in the works for the Surfrider Foundation and US Windsurfing, just in time for endless summer! They're the perfect way to pay for your summer getaway.